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The points below contain topics that explain how to maintain good water quality. It seems to involve everything from the use of filters and chemicals, to being able to interpret and deal with the various symptoms that the water gives you.
n our store you will find water filters for all our massage baths and counter-flow pools. Filters are easy to change for anyone who is somewhat practical, but you must know which bathroom and model you have, if you have not done this before. Get in touch if you have any questions - we will post information here about the most common bathrooms and how to change the filter.Water filters are standard in all massage baths. The filter's function is to filter particles from the water and has an important and necessary basic function in the spa's cleaning system. To illustrate a point, you can think about the function of the filter in a coffee maker. The filter collects the grounds while the coffee passes through the filter. In a massage bath, the particles or "grit" must also be collected by the filter. But unlike the coffee maker, the purification system in the massage bath must also remove or oxidize away the "coffee", that is to say everything that passes through the filter that is not pure water. This can, for example, be liquid bags, fatty substances or oils that are added to the water when a person is bathing.
The UV bulb in the UV lamp burns out after a certain time like all other types of light bulbs and you must make sure that this lamp is working to ensure that the water is purified as it should be.
Contact us and tell us what model and year you bought your bathroom and we can tell you when and how to check your bathroom, or we will send you a service man to check, with the right parts and UV bulbs in the case of the lamp is defective if you want it to be.
The unit that produces the ultra violet rays, the UV disinfection unit, consists of a lamp that is inside a water-carrying sleeve installed in the bathroom's cleaning circuit. In this way, the lamp is surrounded by running water, which in turn ensures that the water receives an even irradiation. This simple way requires little maintenance and minimal energy.
The water you fill in the spa must be of drinking water quality. That is that you should use normal tap water, and then you must ensure that the water is balanced.
Balanced water is characterized by its beautiful and clear surface and requires a minimum of maintenance.Here's how to do it:
Note! To keep the water clean all the time, you also have to decide which disinfectant you want to use.See guide 2: "How do I ensure that there are no bacteria in the water - choosing a disinfection system". Remember that the circulation pump (massage pump) should be running, while the air intake (the air valves on the upper edge of the spa) should be switched off, when you add care products to the spa. Tip! Remember to wash yourself before using the spa - a person who has showered pollutes the water 200 times less than a person who has not washed before bathing.
Spas are not small swimming pools, but very special bathing facilities where there are special requirements for hygiene, operation and supervision. The high water temperature and the hidden pipe systems can be the cause of bacterial growth and the accumulation of micro-organisms, which can lead to the risk of disease and infection. It is therefore important that you choose one of SpaCare's tried and tested disinfection systems!The safest method is to use chlorine-based disinfectants.Chlorine is the only substance that both disinfects (kills bacteria) and oxidizes the water (burns grease and dirt). That is why we recommend that you use chlorine products in your spa - to ensure that the bacteria do not survive and that you can enjoy the spa bath without worries. If you have a chlorine value between 1 and 3 mg/l, there can be no bacteria in the water. Lower chlorine values result in a lack of security for bacteria-free water, and higher chlorine values lead to an annoying chlorine smell and drying of the skin. To make it quick and easy for you to ensure clean bathing water in your spa, we recommend that you use SunWac 9 or SunWac 12 tablets (spas with 500-1000 l of water use SunWac 9, while larger spas use SunWac 12). In spas with 1000-1500 l of water, you should only add one SunWac 12 tablet before bathing, and one tablet after bathing. The tablets contain an effervescent agent, so that they dissolve in five minutes - and then you can bathe in the spa. The products have added organic Egyptian mint extract, which gives the water a delicious, relaxing scent, while the chlorine content in the tablet ensures that you bathe in clean water. In the SpaCare series, you will also find classic chlorine products such as SpaCare Minichlor Granular and SpaCare Tab Twenty (slowly dissolving 20 g chlorine tablets).Can I avoid using chlorine?If you don't like the idea of bathing in chlorinated water, you can slowly find other alternatives. But remember that chlorine both oxidizes and disinfects the water. This means that, in order to achieve an effective chlorine-free solution, you must always use two products to have approximately the same effect as chlorine. For chlorine-free bathing, we recommend that you use our SpaCare OxyBox system (link), which is a modern, chlorine-free system. The OxyBox system is a pleasant and odorless alternative to disinfectants containing chlorine and bromine. Alternatively, you can use SpaCare Bromin tablets together with SpaCare SpaChock. Watch our video about clean water in the spa (link). Note! Remember that the circulation pump (massage pump) should be running, while the air intake (the air valves on the upper edge of the spa) should be switched off, when you add care products to the spa. Tip! Remember to wash yourself before bathing in the spa - a person who has showered pollutes 200 times less than a person who has not washed before bathing!
You may know the problem: You measure a pH value above 7.6. You add SpaCare pH-Down, and the next morning you measure again for a high pH value. At the same time, the water in the spa is probably also a little cloudy.
It is probably because you have not adjusted the alkalinity of the bath water.
Watch our video about starting a spa (link).
Alkalinity, a water pH buffer. The greater the buffer it has, the greater the water's resistance to changes in pH.
Too high alkalinity (>150 mg/l CaCO3) means you cannot change the pH value. If you add SpaCare pH-Down, the pH value is "pushed" back again.
Alkalinity can be lowered with SpaCare Alka-Down.
Too low alkalinity (< 60 mg/l CaCO3) means that the pH value cannot be controlled and that the pH value jumps up and down. At the same time, too low alkalinity can cause corrosion (rust formation) in your spa. Alkalinity can be raised with SpaCare Alka-Up.
Feel free to use the spa calculator at www.spacare.dk to find out how much or how much SpaCare Alka-Down or SpaCare Alka-Up you are going to use.
To adjust the alkalinity:
Now the water in the spa is in balance! The alkalinity only needs to be checked again if you experience problems controlling the pH value.
Watch our video about clean water in the spa (link).
Note! Remember that the circulation pump (massage pump) should be running, while the air intake (the air valves on the upper edge of the spa) should be switched off, when you add care products to the spa.
Tip! Remember to shower and wash yourself before bathing in the spa - a person who has showered pollutes 200 times less than someone who has not washed before bathing!
Changing the content
There are typically three reasons why the water in the spa can turn gray or cloudy:
Alkalinity is a term for the amount of dissolved alkaline salts in the water such as; carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides. Alkalinity, a water pH buffer. The greater the buffer it has, the greater the water's resistance to changes in pH.
Tip! See if Guide 3: I cannot adjust the pH value. (LINK).
Organic material from the bathers and from skin care products etc. will make the water gray and cloudy if the substances are not chemically "burned" away from the water.
If none of the three suggestions solves the problem, the water must be changed. First clean the hidden pipe system with SpaCare Biofilm Cleaner and then change the water.
Get a good start with new water. Watch our video on "Starting a new spa/water change" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyCwDhL8M3M .
Tip! Remember that the circulation pump (massage pump) should be running, while the air intake (the air valves on the upper edge of the spa) should be switched off, when you add care products to the spa.
Note! Remember to wash yourself before bathing in the spa - a person who has showered pollutes 200 times less than a person who has not washed before bathing!
The filter in the spa helps keep the water clear. In short, it means that the more the filter pump runs, the cleaner the water you have.
How to maintain and clean the filter system:
Note! Typically there is a factory setting that may not be sufficient to keep the water clean. Contact the supplier of the spa for information on how to adjust the filter cycle.
Get started with your new spa - watch our video on "Starting a new spa/water change" (LINK)
Note! Remember that the circulation pump (massage pump) should be running, while the air intake (the air valves on the upper edge of the spa) should be switched off, when you add care products to the spa.
Tip! Remember to wash yourself before bathing in the spa - a person who has showered pollutes 200 times less than a person who has not washed before bathing!
There are over 100 m of hoses and pipes in a modern spa. If these are not cleaned regularly, you will find it difficult to avoid bacteria and dirt in the pipe system.
If you ensure that there are always sufficient disinfectants in the spa - even when you are not bathing - and keep the water in balance (both pH and alkalinity), the piping system in the spa is much easier to keep completely clean.
But if you forget to keep the water in balance without disinfectants - even just for a short time - a layer of biofilm will quickly form in the spa's piping system.
When biofilm grows in pipes and hoses, it creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. You can experience the formation of bacteria in the water as a sour smell and brown "jelly lumps" in the spa during bathing.
It is therefore important that you add a bottle (500 ml) of SpaCare Biofilm Cleaner in connection with water changes 2-4 times a year.
SpaCare Biofilm Cleaner has been developed and tested in Denmark and can effectively remove deposits of skin fat, hair and the like, while also disinfecting the spa. Follow the instructions for use on the product.
The brown edge of dirt that often occurs in the water line after cleaning the pipe system is easy to remove with SpaCare SpaClean Spray.
Watch our spa maintenance video (LINK)
Note! Remember that the circulation pump (massage pump) must be running, while the air supply must be switched off, when you add care products to the spa.
It is only natural that the water contains lime.
However, the lime in the water can cause white flakes if the pH value in the water becomes too high (above 7.6). When the pH value in the water is neutral, the water will look clear and beautiful as in picture 1, while the water in picture 3 is full of white flakes.
To avoid these white flakes in the water, you can use pH UP LIQUID:
If the damage has occurred and limescale can be seen in the water, it is not dangerous, and it can disappear by itself with continuous filtration.
If the scale is on the side of the tub and in the piping system and nozzles, you can use SpaCare Descaler to clean these parts of your spa. Please note that you must use approx. 12.5 kg per 1000 l of water.
Note! If you use SpaCare Descaler, there must not be chlorine in the water, as the two products used together could develop a deadly chlorine gas.
If the white flakes are not limescale, it may be due to the use of unsuitable care products/chemicals that contain too many insoluble substances. You should change the filter cartridge if the white particles look like cellulose and could come from the filter cartridge.
Watch our spa maintenance video (LINK).
Tip! Remember that the circulation pump (massage pump) must be running, while the air supply must be switched off, when you add care products to the spa.
Getting clean and balanced bathing water in your spa – and keeping it that way – requires you to adhere to the values listed below.
If you use SunWac 12 tablets as a disinfectant, the chlorine value is important to keep an eye on, while bromine is not. If, on the other hand, you use bromine tablets as a disinfectant, chlorine is not interesting.
However, regardless of the type of disinfectant you use, it is very important that the alkalinity and pH value always comply with the values in the chart below.
TDS (conductivity) is an expression of how "old" your water is, and whether it needs to be changed. TDS can be measured with TDS strips.
We recommend that you do not wait too long to change the water. Old water does not provide the same great wellness experience. So use your senses: Look and smell the water - if it is no longer crystal clear and odorless, it is probably time to change it.
Measurement and requirements for water quality requirements
You must always be able to measure alkalinity, pH and chlorine/bromine.
The quality of the water in the spa is no better than the quality of your measurements!
Remember that your SpaCare dealer can help you with water analyses.
You should check the water quality every week. But if you are not always nearby and this is therefore not possible, you should follow the instructions below:
Upon arrival at the spa after 2-3 weeks:
Carry out the procedure as described above. 1+ 2. + 4.Ensure that the thermal cover is removed and that the massage pump is running. After 60 minutes you can measure the chlorine level. If no red color appears at all from the DPD1 tablet, the chlorine content is 0 mg/l. Repeat point 4 until chlorine above 1 mg/l can be measured after 1 hour (see guide 11).
Tip! Remember to wash yourself before bathing in the spa - a person who has showered pollutes 200 times less than a person who has not washed before bathing!
Regardless of which disinfectant you use, at least once a week you must:
If using SunWac 9 or 12 for disinfection:
If you use OxyBox for disinfection:
If you use SpaCare Bromin Tabs or SpaCare Biobromide for disinfection:
Regardless of the disinfection system, every month you must:
How to do it: Take the dirty filter cartridge out of the filter housing and remove all visible dirt between the slats by rinsing it with clean water.
Then place the cartridge in a plastic bucket or a "cleaning tube" and add 1 dl of SpaCare Filter Cleaner and clean water until the cartridge is completely covered. Leave it like this for at least 12 hours and then remove the cartridge and rinse it thoroughly with warm water.
We recommend having two sets of filter cartridges to change between.
Regardless of the disinfection system, you should every 3-4 month:
How often should I change the water?
If you are in doubt, you can measure the TDS in the water. TDS stands for Total Dissolved Solids and is a measure of the total amount of hardness salts and other substances found in the water.
Measuring the TDS factor is therefore important when it comes to assessing the current use quality of the water. The TDS figure will increase gradually due to water evaporation, the concentration of hardness salts, pollution from the surroundings, wind and rain and the addition of care products.
When TDS has increased by more than 1000 mg/l above the raw water (measured when the spa is filled) or when max. 3000 mg/l, the water is supersaturated and becomes dull/cloudy. When the water reaches these values, the water MUST be changed.
Note! We recommend that you change the water a little more often, so that you always have the feeling of bathing in fresh water.
Tip! Remember to wash yourself before bathing in the spa - a person who has showered pollutes 200 times min
Chlorine is the only substance that both disinfects (kills bacteria) and oxidizes the water (burns dirt and grease).
If there are bacteria and/or organic matter in the water, chlorine will "attack" this contamination and be used up. It is not unusual for the chlorine that has just been added to the water to be used up immediately.
Fortunately, there is advice for that: Measure the chlorine value in the spa water 30 minutes after you have added chlorine. If you measure "0" in chlorine value, just add more chlorine.
When all the contamination is removed, excess chlorine will remain in the water.
Note! You have to be careful with the amount of chlorine - there can also be too much chlorine in the water.
Too much chlorine in the water
We also know that from our indoor cleaning. If you spill chlorine on your clothes, the color disappears. In the same way, too much chlorine in the spa water will cause the red color from the chlorine measurement to disappear, so that you measure too little.
If the chlorine value in the spa water is more than 5 mg/l, it will be difficult to measure the chlorine value correctly, unless you use a digital SmartTest, which can measure up to 8 mg/l chlorine and even warns against too high a chlorine value with the message " High" on the display.
So even if you measure "0", you may have way too much chlorine in the spa
How to make a diluted measurement:
Are you now measuring e.g. 1.5 mg/l, the correct chlorine value in the spa is 1.5 x 10 = 15 mg/l
Tip! Remember to wash yourself before bathing in the spa - a person who has showered pollutes 200 times less than a person who has not washed before bathing!